Monday, September 2, 2013


The word triggers lots of emotions in us specially in the final year crowd. This word looks pretty normal in the first 3 years of engineering; we never give it a serious thought and are very casual about it. We see our seniors going through it and we always relate ourselves to the best ones and hope to repeat their success or even perform better than them. In some way, we are always in a comfort zone that we would excel and would perform exceptionally well. But, if only life goes as we visualize it in our fantasies. When we actually go through the placement procedure what comes out is a very changed form of us. Both, the successful ones and the failures, no one is same afterwards.

Most of us are not mentally prepared for failures and don’t know how to tackle ‘rejection’. The reactions of other peoples and constant nagging from irrelevant relatives and people studying elsewhere make the situation worse. Our faith in our abilities is heavily shaken which unbalances our whole life. We start doubting almost everything; our past achievements, our brilliance, our talent; our capabilities. This also puts a question mark on our future ambitions and we are not sure whether we will be able to achieve them or not or as a matter of fact whether we are eligible enough to even give it a try or not. We all start with the big IIT dream and getting a fat package like 20+ lakh and after our initial dream to reach the best elite institutes of countries is crushed we somehow compromise and start to think about grabbing the best companies of our own college. We see mass recruiters with the same eyes as we used to see local colleges (most of us are studying in these colleges now) that time and never think about getting into those until they are the only hope. Then comes a time where we are so much in doubt that even the 3 lpa package which once we used to think is far below our dignity and standard starts looking unachievable. We doubt that whether we will make it to any company or not.

The origin, reason and main source of all these problems is the highly intellectual suggestions and comments of ‘other people; the pseudo specialists of every problem’. They always have something to say. If you are successful then it was because of your luck and procedures were easy and best suited for you. If you are unsuccessful and sad then you are the typical ‘cry baby’ and ‘Mr. complaining’ who isn’t competent enough to get into the companies and is now crying everywhere. If you are not complaining and happy thinking that luck wasn’t with you then you will meet the ‘angoor khatte hai’ crowd who will smash you everywhere by saying that since you didn’t get into that’s why you find everything unfair. Lastly, if you do not care about your failure at all then you are hiding and pretending but deep down you are extremely hurt and affected. So beware of these experts and try to shield your mental peace from them as much as you can as these people harm our self confidence the most.

Most of the humans are either ‘masochist’ or ‘hypocrite’. Those who should fairly contemplate the situation and give a clean chit to themselves start doubting on their own capabilities and tag themselves as useless and looser while those who really weren’t capable and need significant hard work and improvement start blaming situation and their luck. Such contradictions prevail almost everywhere in our country. Those who must complain start crying and those who must cry start complaining.

If we carefully retrospect all the events with an unbiased mind and in a third person frame of reference we can easily infer that at times all we lack was some amount of luck. May be that day was not yours but some other time, some other day or in fact some other person judging your performance; you could have easily cleared it. Failure never means that we were not capable enough or lacked the desired qualities. One must never doubt oneself on such occasions. Even if there are some shortcomings then those could easily be identified and rectified. There is always a next time and there is always the scope of a bigger success. I don’t want to repeat clichés like how Amitabh Bacchan became a mega star after getting rejected by all India radio initially for improper voice or the life incidents of Michael Jordon or Abraham Lincoln. But success after failure is something we observe in day to day life.

I have seen people losing their entire faith and confidence after one failure. People get intimidated, life appears bleak and daunting to them. Hope became a dangerous thing driving them insane. They started living in a world where they are not only incapable but also unlucky and victim of cruel claws of destiny. I never understand how we can be so stubborn that we allow a single event to judge our entire life. Can certain people or a system or an exam decide whether we are capable enough to be successful or not? Surely the people who got selected were capable, no doubt, they indeed got the required skill sets to get a place in the company but the one who didn’t make it were no lesser capable. Life ditches us when we trust it most but this is one thing that we must accept now that life never go as we plan it else there would be no thrill in living it.

We have lived our life for 20+ years and only we know what we are capable of doing and what we are not. Whether we have done proper justice with our life or not and no other person can issue a certificate on our abilities and decide our fate. We must put efforts for the sake of improving ourselves and for the sake of adding values into our life not for getting into certain organization and getting a certain package. At the end of the day it’s all about how satisfied you are with the life you have lived and only we can decide that not some other person or organization or society. We must be confident enough to know our potential and then what we need is to be patient. Sooner or later, appreciation and acknowledgement will come indeed. Sooner or later, we will definitely get success and reach where not only we are destined to be but also we deserve to be.

Lastly, we have to give up our urge to prove ourselves better and distinct always. The constant longing of getting success everywhere and standing above everyone. Success provides joy but failure is a complete package. You can introspect, analyse  think about your flaws and weakness, there is an ample scope of improvement. Failure insures that you won’t fail at the next level if only you know how to use failure properly. Don’t think about the society, don’t think about your friends and circles, and don’t think about your own expectations and the standard you set for yourself. Just release yourself from all constraints and carefully assess the situation and think what went wrong, what you must have done and what you mustn’t and what to do to ensure you won’t repeat your previous mistakes. At the end of the day life is too large to declare ourselves as a persistent looser and opportunities come and go if only you have the willpower and urge to keep on fighting and struggling.



writer29 said...

A very long one ...!!! for the starters :p But very well written. Its full of information that we all know and analyse at some point in our lives, still we forget to imply it on ourselves when we need it the most. At this time we all are trying to answer the question "What are you going to do next?". Your rightly convey, it is indeed, important for us to keep in mind that our worth is what we think of ourselves, not what the world thinks of or expects from us. Your article actually makes readers retrospect the way our lives have gone through. Usually writers criticize the way people think about themselves, but forget to give an advice that can be of some help to the readers going through the problem, last paragraph of your article is appreciable as you have given a very important advice that is worth following. I totally agree, Facing the reality is first step towards success as it helps you look at your flaws and make sure that you don't repeat them again. A very good analysis on how one's outlook changes, with the happening of events in his/her life. How the world looks at someone's success and fails to appreciate a winner's hardwork by labeling it as mere "luck" and at the same time how it tries to comment on someone's failure. A very nice article that tells all about current 4th year students' thinking and state of mind.
Keep it up. :)

Mayank Sharma said...

A very long comment !! :P but very well written !! :) Thanx for such an elaborative review, i guess this is the first time someone has given such a feedback. Delighted and honoured. :) Thank you !

Unknown said...

thx mayank..i read it today..And i feel it explained me many of my own issues.