Sunday, February 11, 2018

Pursuit of happiness......

The night was peaceful, silence unperturbed by the cool breeze flowing like a soft rhythmic music occasionally getting disturbed by random noises with no definite source. Two friends were sitting on the roof top discussing what lies ahead and what to chase. Amidst the chaotic superficial thoughts of getting admission into a good b-school and fetching a high paying job, the conversation was now deep enough to hit the core.

There is something mystical about late night talks, especially those carried after 2 AM. You feel freer and much more relaxed to share your deeper insecurities, you trust the listener more than the day time. You tend to converse more with yourself and explore your priorities more in the pretext of discussing the same with the listener. 2 AM conversations are like meditation, quiet and subtle, like gently exploring the hidden realities of your life.

The philosophical conversation eventually reached the heart of the discussion and the question two friends now faced was what they will earn by getting into a good b school.

“Money, that’s all I am looking forward to, I want to earn, I want to spend a luxurious life, I want to have expensive foreign vacation, I want to buy fancy stuff”, said the first friend, his voice steady defeating the cold wind’s futile attempt to shake it.

“Glory, I want to be known, I want to have an identity, I want to become an example, an inspiration for others”, said the second friend, his eyes beaming with the imagination of his glorious days that will come one day.

“Lots of famous and glorified people have lived a sad life because of no money, money is the ultimate objective”, uttered the first friend with full faith in his philosophy.

“Lots of rich people commit suicide and become depress, money is not everything, with great money comes several other variables that no one accounts for and which makes a person unhappy”, contrasted the second friend

“To me, money is happiness”, the first friend took a firm stand.

“To me, glory is happiness”, said the resolute second friend.

“Seems like we both are chasing the same goal, our ultimate objective is to be happy, we have different approach towards it”, said the first friend in a joyous voice as finally there was some unison in their thoughts.

“Indeed, I hope once we have chased our dreams we will be truly happy and we will live a peaceful life”, hoped the second friend.

Both friends chased their dreams, cleared competitive exams, got into excellent institutes and both received a fair share of glory and money but as they moved up the ladder they were able to see their illusions fading out and the reality far more different than what they perceived it to be. As they inched closer to their goal of money and glory, they found themselves much distant from their eventual goal of being happy. Their money and their glory came at the cost of their happiness.

So what is happiness? What is its definition? Who is truly happy these days? Just close your eyes, take few deep breathes and try to recall who was the last person you met that claimed to be truly happy, now try to think about the last time when you felt you were truly happy and how far you are from that state now. Happiness, so simple a goal yet such a challenging task, everyone is chasing it but no one is getting close to it. Happiness has become a mirage, happiness has become a maze, happiness has become a puzzle which looked very simple initially but with each step towards solution, it becomes tougher and tougher.

The present generation, popularly and ‘sarcastically’ known as so called ‘millennials’ is said to be one of the most confused and unhappy generation who has ever walked on this beautiful planet. One can easily see loneliness in our social media check-ins with multiple people, the laughs we have on memes are temporary, we appear cool with our booze and food where we claim to celebrate life dancing in darkness and random music knowing in background that we will wake up on Monday morning, mechanically wear our dress and go to our school/college/office. We wait desperately for weekends and spend the weekends in fear that they will over soon and we have to face weekdays again.

We were showed a path by our previous generation, a path to success, a path to victory, a path to ultimate happiness and we obediently followed that path killing the painters, musicians, poets, writers, sportsperson and gamers inside us. We happily clipped our feathers to crawl on a well calculated and well defined path. We were fed the fact that the darkness of uncertainty that comes with flexibility of freedom far outweighs it and there is no point moving in a life of misery. We were shown light and we followed it blindly, we closed our eyes and shut our brains.

We fell, we were defeated, and we were embarrassed and insulted countless time. Countless times our faith in ourselves shook but yet we were never broken. We somehow summoned the courage to put together the broken pieces to continue to the destination but we were truly broken when we reached there. Because we didn’t know now what to do, we patiently waited for happiness but it never came. We were completely dumbfounded by the fact that our safe and secure jobs, our prestigious educational institutes, our fancy hobbies do not converted into happiness.

So when we look outside towards children playing on streets from the cage we ourselves have created, we wonder whether this is happiness or happiness is the life of that vagabond who has no source of even food or happiness lies in further success. Everyone we see is unhappy and when someone says he is happy, we don’t trust him, we believe he is hiding the truth. We don’t believe in the notion that one can be happy in the present world. Happiness is always the next step, something that will follow after what we are doing right now.

So what’s the solution or the question is rather whether a solution exist or not? I think the answers are always simple, if you are not doing exercise then do exercise, if you are not studying then study, if you are not reading then read and if you are not happy then be happy. So why to write a prolix post if the answer is so simple? I think being happy is like a magicians trick, it stays unsolvable only till you don’t know the secret but once you know it you realize it was never that amazing that it looked few seconds back. It is like a video game mission, you try and fail countless times and when you finally clear it you can clear it easily any number of time later.

At the same time, I guess it is advisable to finally realize that no one can stay happy all the time. Life is and will remain complicated, there will always be ups and downs, highs and lows but the maturity is in realizing that nothing stays forever. No doubt there will be countless other variables. There will be toxic work environment, broken relationship, evil people, poor grades, no promotions, diseases, bad luck and many unforeseen unpredictable circumstances that will impact your simple equation of being happy. But at the same time there will be great trips, wonderful people, delicious food, amazing movies, great books, promotions, next job, recovery from diseases, serendipity. Life will be balanced and the decision to move from one stage to other will remain in your hand.

Don’t like your job, leave it and get a new job, can’t get a new job right now, then wait patiently till the right time and then get a new job. Getting poor grades, study and try to improve, can’t improve then improve something else that will compensate for poor grades, single and lonely, try to meet and interact with new people, can’t even do that, and then learn to be happy in your own company. You are fat, then exercise and take proper diet, can’t do that, then stay happy being fat.

I know I am oversimplifying things a lot. But that is my experience so far, I have chased happiness and crossed long distance. I am still chasing it. Some days it seems like it is everywhere, some other days I can’t trace it existence till time eternity. But I have come to realize the fact that I can’t blame others for the decision I made, I can’t blame any person for my state if I know that I have the power to change it. I can change both the inner variables and outer variables, or at least experiment with them than doing nothing.

I think this is about time to take accountability of our decisions, the decisions that we took that are making us unhappy and how we can change them and we can help each other to take those decisions that will make a happier future. Let us extend support to everyone struggling in this mean cruel world and spread happiness. Be it a small compliment, be it a little help, be it greeting a stranger good morning with smile, be it sharing your food with someone who is not that fortunate, be it helping those who are making same mistakes as ours, be it forgiving people and forgetting bad experiences, be it taking a break from the path of excellence. I don’t know, there are countless way I can see to be happy and I know they are simple.

Ending with one of my favorite quotes from Jim Carrey.

“I hope everybody gets rich and famous and have everything that they have dreamt of, so that they will know that it is not the answer”


writer29 said...

I usually read your posts now because I get to dwell more on the sweet nostalgia they hold a bit longer.
This post, I hope no matter how long it is (very long by the way :p) I hope people read it. I think it will help people seriously shushhh their lives for a while and celebrate just the moment. Just this normal AF moment right now. Because this is happiness. Having nothing to complain about is celebratory! Because Happiness is a decision. you decide to be happy for the rest of your life no matter what hits you and how hard. Yes, that doesn't mean you don't cry or let out that frustration. you do. you cry but don't hold on to that sadness. Don't let go of happiness.
A trick to it is Gratitude. If you can be thankful for every normal thing in your life you will end up being happy and realizing that you just needed to make yourself realize that you are happy! rather than searching for that big award-winning happiness to turn up :)

Mayank Sharma said...

You perfectly summed up the gist of what I wanted to say !! :)