Sunday, March 27, 2011

Give women the respect they deserve...

21st century, an era of modernism, an era of leaving previous prejudices and going into a society of equality of gender where there would be no difference between a girl and boy. But have we achieved it? I am not talking about the paper statistics. One can always fabricate them. I am not talking about the various high positions which many girls are holding at present. I am not talking about the different degrees that many girls are having. What I am talking about that have we really achieved an unbiased mentality towards girl? Have all the men had finally given them a position equivalent to them or have they started giving them the respect they deserve?

Well although I am a boy but still honestly saying I don’t think so we have yet achieved that state of modernity. We are still biased and we still thinks that if we are getting in a relation with a girl, no matter what relation it is, it is a girls duty to be flexible enough to maintain and sustain that relation. Now some pseudo western people may think that now parents are allowing girls to wear western short dresses, girls are roaming late nights outside the city, girls are leaving their cities and living in other cities alone for education and girls are making boyfriends are enough proof of India getting modern. But all this are superficial changes.

We still have the medieval mentality towards girl. They are constrained in the cobwebs of culture, relation, security and prejudices. They can’t do anything on their own. Every step or decision of a word had to be first passed through a unfair filter called “ log kya sochenge”. And after they are married only they are supposed to compromise with their career and dreams. They are supposed to burn their desires and wishes themselves to enlighten the future of family and to keep the family warm. It’s a double standard loop as when they become mother in law again they have to compromise for modernity with their daughter in law. In short, in each every phase of life a women is doing her moral duty and man are consuming and exploiting her.

I’m not saying to take their work in our hand but at least we can make them realize that we know their worth for us. We respect and realize what they have done for us and they have done it all with out any personal gain. Just say to your mom that food is brilliant today and see the smile on her face. Say to your sister that without her u feel very lonely and even her presence make you cheer up. Say to your daughter that she is the beautiful gift of god that is given to you. Say to your grand mother that she is like a banyan tree whose shelter and experience give us relief. One never needs stardom or limelight one just need proper realization of her selfless efforts.

A short poem on the change that a girl suffers after marriage….

जो कल उन्मुक्त बेखौफ़ चलती थी
आज अकेले खामोश बैठी है
कल तक जिसका अलग अस्तित्व था
अब दुसरो से पहचान ही उसका अस्तित्व होगा
कल तक जो हर जिम्मेदारी से बचती थी
मदमस्त उल्लासित हो चहकती थी
अब दूसरो की जिम्मेदारी संभालेगी
अपनी हँसी लुप्त कर दूसरो को सँवारेगी
दुल्हन के सुर्ख लाल जोड़े में
एक बंदनी की भाँति लग रही
फ़ेरो की पवित्र अग्नि में
उसकी ख्वाहिशे सुलग रहीं
सर पर जड़ित स्वर्ण टीका
उसके विषाद मे लग रहा फ़ीका
मस्तक पर सुशोभित चमकती बिंदी
उभरती लकीरों में गिरती संभलती
नाक में चमचमाती नथनी
बेधती उसके मासूम जज्बात
गुलाबो से लाल होंठ
सुख रहे अनजान भय से
गले मे इठलाते आभूषण
जकड़ते जीवन उसका हर क्षण
हाथों में रंगबिरंगी चूड़िया
सुहागिन की मनचाही हथकड़िया
कमर मे चमचमाती करधनी
अश्रुमिश्रित हँसी लिये बैठी बंधनी
पैरो मे छनकती पायल
दुल्हन पर सब कायल
पर उसके मन की न कोई टोह पाया
सामजिक बंधनो मे सबने मोह पाया
छोड़ रही वो बाबुल का आँगन
बिता जहाँ हर फ़ागुन हर सावन
अब घुघट के आड़े ढकी रहेगी
हर चाल हर आह हर खुशी हर हँसी
एक गांठ ने बांध दी
अनेको बंधनो की डोर
हलकी सिसकिया कौन सुनेगा
हर तरफ़ हर्षो उल्लास का शोर
बाबुल कर चले कन्यादान
बेटी को पराया धन मान
मंगल सूत्र भी बंध गया
चारो तरफ़ हो रहा मंगल गान
कल जो बस एक लड़की थी
आज बहु है, पत्नी है भाभी है
अधिकार उसे अब कुछ नही
बस जिम्मेदारियो कि चाभी है
इतने कष्ट सब रग दे चले
एक दिन ये भी साथ छोड़ जायेंगे
सफ़ेद भावशून्य असहाय उसे
तिरस्क्र्त बेइज्जत और कर जायेंगे।


meenakshi said...

a very touching poem that states"that some people still care.. and respect"
this ... is shocking... and highly surprising.. not a work of a 19 year old guy.. but some one with a much more mature thinking and a sweet heart ...
so, u prove my point MR. MAYANK SHARMA u are very caring!!!
thank u so much for such a beautiful post! :)

Mayank Sharma said...

thank you very much minakshi :) ... well I do care but about whom that you have to guess :P :P ... yes it is not a work of 19 year old guy it a work of a guy who has 19 years of experience and observation by the injustice of this so called modern society :) ... keep reading and reviewing

Anonymous said...

kota experiece vala blog was awsome i really appreciate it

can others also share their experience related to kota or jee here

Anonymous said...

veryyyyyyy goooooooood

Unknown said...

Heart-wrenching poem, sharma ji!!! a lot has changed.. a lot has yet to change.. your article definitely boosts the flux :)