Thursday, June 19, 2014

Boys who write and girls who read...................!!!!

Not many boys write. From those who write, not many write for themselves, most of the time it is for an image they want to acquire, or to show the world that they can write, or they write for the sake of writing. ‘Writing’ is never combination of few fancy words on an offbeat or mainstream topic; neither is it flamboyant ornamentation of vocabulary. Writing is never show off of tough, not so common words and trying to ape some particular style heavily influenced by some movie or novel. Writing, in its crude form is just expression, and serves only one purpose i.e. to express. A boy, who writes, wants to express.  He wants to express every emotion that he feels, everything that he goes through, every joy, and every pain, everything that affect him in some way.  He wants to sketch a picture of all the scenes irrespective of whether they are beautiful or ugly around him and represent a complete lucid picture of what he wants to show.

A boy who writes knows that he can’t control the world. Sooner or later, he would just be slave of thesituations. But he can create an alternate world which only he can control. He can create characters he like and make them do whatever he wants them to do. He has full control over a world. He is king of a hypothetical world, he is the supreme authority and no one can challenge his powers. He can show the real world a mirror through his fiction world. He can draw characters inspired from real world to unmask people and their hypocrisy. He can inspire, he can give messages which can change the entire perception of people. He can motivate, re energize, revive, and support people. He can create magic and be the magician that can dazzle people.

A boy, who writes, often finds himself incapable of finding a suitable medium to emit all his frustration and hence chooses ‘words’ as the medium. He is not much concerned of what people will think, who will read and what would be their response because mostly his concern is his expression, the one right no one can take away from him. For all the turmoil going into his head, uncontrolled thoughts, blurry images, half baked ideas, complaints, tensions, stress, he got only one solution, to write it up. Writing is more of permanently bookmarking something. Something that happened and you are sure , you would forget or become unaffected soon but would like to visit it somewhere later in the future and hence you create a save point by writing it down.

A boy who writes is often lost into thoughts. He may appear completely normal, doing mundane task, doing what he is suppose to do and doing it pretty perfectly without raising any doubt or he may be completely quiet, completely lost in some other dimension, temporarily transited to some other world where only he and only he is allowed to enter. In both the cases, he is thinking, he is thinking and shaping words. Words, that pops up automatically into the head. Words, that needed to be given a direction, a shape, a proper orientation and converts them into something that would make sense, that would be meaningful.   

A boy who writes is quite often not a charming one and thus attracts less attention. He is not well known. He doesn't have a mesmerizing voice that could charm any listener. He doesn't have any dancing moves to impress anyone.  He is not a rock star that would become one with his music instrument and completely change the atmosphere. He is least known and lives his life mostly away from the lime light. He might have a limited fan base and that’s all he wants and expects. He doesn't want to be appreciated but to be understood. He is not loud, he is quiet. He can’t make you dance on his beats but he can make you tranquil. He can’t fill you with energy but he can provide you peace. All he has is words, words that he himself is puzzled off, and often gets confused but somehow he struggles and tries to align the words into something more meaningful. He can sing with his poems, he can make you move with his rhythms and flow; he can generate music by his intensity. He is a dancer, singer, musician all in a disguised form and only for those who would take interest in understanding him.

Some girl reads. Out of those girls who read, only a few reads for the real purpose of reading. Reading is a tough habit. Very hard to develop, much harder to maintain. Some girls read because other girls tell them something to read, some reads because their teacher told them to read, but a few girls reads because they find it worth spending their time. Reading completes them. Through reading, they get to know a part of themselves that they can’t access in normal world. Reading take them to a fairy world, where they can meet their prince or to a place where they can realize that they don’t need a prince, they are the princess of their own world.

A girl, that reads, doesn't live in a fiction world. She lives in reality and knows how to convert the reality into fiction. Reality is harsh, fiction is an escape, you have to find a mid lane and a girl that reads knows how to approach it. Reading makes her strong and prepares her for the battles she has to fought daily. Reading gives her support and pampers her. Reading encourages her to take steps she is afraid of taking. When she reads, the characters don’t judge her. She is free to roam in the world, unafraid of anything that might harm her. Whenever there is a void in her life, that she can’t feel, she would read and find something that will feel the incomplete.

She reads because she knows world is not perfect and is hard for a girl. She reads because she needs strength. She reads because she knows that the world would never understand her and won’t even try to understand her. She reads because she wants to immerse herself into something sane, something dignified, something gentle and something comforting. She reads because sometimes there is nothing that can explain life to her apart from the words of the book. She reads because that is something she does for herself, where she doesn't have to prove something to someone, where she doesn't have to fought any battle, where she could relax and take deep breadth and lost in the flow of words.

Not many boys write, not many girls read. Not many boys get people who would like to read his work, not many girls get writers who would write what they want to read. A boy who writes need not always require a muse for writing but can write far more impacting and touching content with a muse. A girl, who read, could be a perfect muse for a boy who writes. Let’s hope all those boys who writes get a girl who reads.


Aliyu Tijani said...


Mayank Sharma said...

Thank you.. !! :)

Unknown said...

It is your best work. keep it up!

Mayank Sharma said...

Thank You, Pandey Ji !! I will try to write better !! :)

Mayur Umdekar said...

Keep this up and you'll always find some girls who read what you write.. :D

Mayank Sharma said...

@mayur umdekar: Yeah, I am just looking for a more consistent reader !! :D