Thursday, November 27, 2014

To all the busy ones

Well, it’s ironical I am writing a post for the busy ones and I doubt they would ever read it, after all they have a very busy and tight schedule, they hardly have time to breathe let alone reading a post by a not so famous writer. One of the most emotional lie people say during the end of school/college/job is that they would stay in touch anyhow, no matter what it will take, and if not then also they will at least try. It looks very convincing and may be some people really mean it. But, sadly in most of the cases, whenever a person moves to a new place, barring a few exceptional cases, he/she generally moves on from the old life and get accustomed to new place and new people. Circle of life, there is always a replacement, nothing is permanent.

Those of you who are reading this might have promised someone to stay in touch but you didn’t bother or you might have been promised the same by someone but they also didn’t. One has numerous valid excuses to justify their insensitivity, very well formed almost undebatable logic of why they couldn’t talk for even 5 mins. You can’t argue else you would get the tag of demanding and not an understanding person. People say, that a relation doesn’t require regular touch, the feelings matter even if you talk after years, the relation would remain intact if it’s a strong one. I don’t fully agree with this point, why to talk after years or months ? What is stopping you to get in touch once in a while ? Back in old days, people used to write letters to each other once in a while just to stay in touch and now in this era of whatsapp/facebook/skype it’s hard to imagine people not even finding 5 mins.

And yes, if both parties are mutually not talking to each other in months and catch up later, there is no problem. But, what if one party is trying to catch up again and again and the other party keep on saying that they are busy. One can understand once, even twice, thrice at most, but I don’t think even Bill Gates or Christopher Nolan would be that much busy that they can’t reply once in a while. So, if we circle around we would get back to the golden quote again, “ there is nothing such as being busy, it’s all about priorities”. You might be a priority for someone in the past, but you may not as they have moved on. So what’s the problem, the other party has moved on , you can move on too, but there lies the catch.

If you try to move on , you are first blamed for not understanding the problems of other person and having a big big ego, who left their friends behind. What kind of single sided relations we are having today, only god knows? Where you can neither talk or stop to talk as either you are disturbing or once again you are disturbing. Eventually, you would end up apologising to the other person as you have hurt him/her by your silly behaviour and once again the saga of being busy will start where you would always be on the getting neglected, ignored and insulted end.

It’s interesting that the applications that were suppose to bring people more closer like facebook, whatsapp etc are further inducing the feeling of loneliness in people. Everything we do is to catch the attention of other person and we are disappointed if we do not get much attention. Also, a sense of negligence is introduced when we try to talk to some person who constantly ignores us. Block the other person on facebook/whatsapp these days is regarded as a closure signal for the relation. Whatsapp seems to be further liking this conflict and has introduced ‘blue ticks’ now, so now we can openly trace who is not at all interested in talking to us and is indirectly signallying us to stay away. But, the problem is people appears in your life according to their convenience. If they want to talk or have some work then suddenly they will have ample amount of time to discuss whatever is going in their life and then they will vanish again. People have time to change their DPs and status daily, to post random pictures and videos, but no they don’t even have the time to reply that they can’t talk right now. Time is indeed a very strange entity, and so is its distribution by busy people.

It’s not a post of personal frustration, I am hardly affected by presence or absence of people around me after a while but what I am seeing is relations getting breaking up without any solid reason. People complaining to be alone and abandoned by all at the same time when they themselves never responded back to people nicely at the first place. We all have 24 hours, we can cut 10 mins easily from may be sleeping, or wasting time in other useless activity or any other thing just to get in touch with our oldies and besties. 5-10 mins is no big deal at all specially if you value a person or if you value a relation you have with a person.

So busy people, at the crucial moments of your life, your grades may not matter much,  neither the effort you put at your job, but only people will matter the most because that’s how human society work and if you are not putting any effort in being social then slowly you will lose all the treasure you accumulated once. Perhaps some year later may be on one dark alone night you will sit on your rooftop gazing the stars and remembering your past, all you will remember will be how you bunked classes to watch movies or hang out with friends, the little chit chats you had with your group, the small things that mattered the most and may be you will automatically dial the number of some old one and that feeling would be way better than sitting empty handed with a decorated degree and a fat pay check. There are things, which are so small yet very important, things we never value and never recognize their worth, until it's too late to recognize the worth. There should always be a proper balance between various aspects of life, if you focus solely on few things then on a longer run you would surely get negatively affected by it. So, open your contact list and ping someone you haven’t talked in a long time and I am sure it will surely bring a smile on your face.


Abhi said...

Superb start to the post where you cite the irony if they busy people would ever read. I agree to each point made by you and its all about priorities of people. One more thing that i noticed was that your writeup was flawless. Keep writing., your view point does make a difference

Mayank Sharma said...

@abhi : I am glad you read it and thank you very much for such a descriptive and honest feedback. Yes, I am trying to increase the frequency of writing again and hopefully will get good topics to write upon !
Thanks ! :)

Unknown said...

pingggggggggggggggggggg :p hey how are u :p Just read a really good post that got me thinking about you so... whatsuppp??? ;)
okay just kidding :p but you know there are somthings that change priorities forcibly and those are called deadlines :P you miss a deadline you miss an assignment and you never want that to happen so instead you miss your friends But you always makee time for them and hope they won't judge you.
But yes when you have a LDF thats a bit frustrating coz you miss your friends and you are not able to talk to them or tell them stuff and they get mad at you which you can't even complaint about. Its not a flaw in the person but flaw in the situation :)